Why Online Auctions?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Auctions have been taking place since around the early fifth century - this practice has continued into modern times and, in recent years, has been adapted to the internet to become what is known as online auctioning. This concept has taken the online world by storm - by 2006 online auctions are expected to generate an estimated $48.5 billion in sales (Guerrilla Retail, 2003). The industry is growing at a remarkable rate and provides consumers and businesses with …

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…goods online. Knight Ridder Tribune Business News, p. 1. SafeTrader. (n.d.-a). How safetrader works. Retrieved from the World Wide Web April 8, 2004, from http://www.safetrader.co.nz Stone, B. (2000). Online Auctions. Retrieved from the World Wide Web April 21, 2004, from http://www.ucs.mun.ca/~bstone/researh.htm TheEconomist. (2004). Queen of the online flea market. The Economist, 370(8356), 48. Woerner, R. (1999). eBay for dummies. London: Transworld. Wyld, D. C. (2004, April 5). Going, going, gone online. VAR Business, p. 26.