Why Geometry is Important

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Mathematics
Geometry is important for many reasons. It is used in almost all bases of life, including shopping, driving, work, and especially school. It is used most all the time too, not just every now and then, more like all the time. Geometry is used while shopping at the store. You use it to pick out an item that is not dented. Geometry is used to tell whether a fruit or vegetable is rotten, or out …

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…would mean that it would be geometrically "deformed." There are infinite ways of using geometry as a student, but to type and print them out would use too much ink to pay for. As you can see, geometry is clearly important in everyone's life. Mainly in shopping, driving, work, and school, there are also many other areas in which geometry is used. Everything in school taught must be important, basing it off this at least.