Who is inspector Goole? Discuss the role of inspector Goole and the effect he has on the members of the Birling family.

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A 20th century drama written by J.B.Priestley. Middle class boy who experienced the life of the working class people. These experiences had influenced J.B.Priestley to expose exploitation and torment in one of his plays called An Inspector Calls. An Inspector Calls was written in 1945 in just one week, during the Second World War. Most of Priestley's plays are about middle class people, partly because theatre audiences were generally middle class and …

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…each other'. 'We have to share something. If there's nothing else, we'll have to share our guilt'. J.B.Priestley also make the general point that the older characters remain unmoved and immovable, uncaring for anyone but themselves, this becomes one of the horrors of the play. We are left wondering whether our society today is any less likely to survive. Are we any better in our everyday dealings with other people than the Birlings?