Who does immigration affect?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Immigration affects citizens who live in the United States as well as immigrants who come to the United States. There are positive and negative affects of immigration. One negative result is that many immigrants take away jobs from native workers. Nevertheless, many Americans benefit from that because Americans perform jobs that are very difficult and low-paying. Immigration also affects refugees who come to the United States because they can not get the job they want. …

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…James 3. "Urban Labor Markets: Immigrants vs. African Americans" by Dr. Frank L. Morris 4. "Chasing the American Dream: After fleeing their homeland many Immigrants struggle to find a job" by Dorene Englert 5. "Coming to America: The Way to Success in the United States" excerpted from the Immigrants and Refugees: Create Your New Life in America by Raimonda Mikatavage 6. U.S. Border Control "Language a huge obstacle to an immigrant's success" The Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin June 18, 2001 Revised 06/24/2001