Who Am I? Who Are You... Really? Online personalities, they are as expendable and changeable as the daily changing of clothes. Comparisson of online identity essays

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Online personalities, they are as expendable and changeable as the daily changing of clothes. People are able to create multiple personalities and identities on the internet. But what goes into this creation? And why do people do it? That is the precisely the topic of the two articles that I have found and read on the internet. I will be comparing them to find what they have in common and how they are different. The …

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…a woman; he hardly expects that she allow him to grope her. In closing, even though these articles are very similar in topic, they are also extremely different in content. They both discuss the way people change their identities and genders. But they have very different views. This again proves that something (or someone) can be completely different when it is in fact the same. It just depends on what the person puts into it.