Who, (or what) was Spring-Heeled Jack?

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
Who, or what exactly was Spring Heeled Jack? During the early 19th and 20th centuries, this anomaly terrorized the people of London. Though his story may seem like it was taken out of the pages of an Alfred Hitchcock book, many people claim that his existence was real. His very existence remains a mystery today and many seek to find the truth behind the various strange events of the past He was portrayed as being …

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…toward the area, thinking that a man had committed suicide. When they rounded the building, they merely saw him standing there, clothed completely in white. When he saw the approaching crowd, he raised his arms and took to the air over William Henry Street. 6). The final recorded event occurred in 1920 at the Central Railway Station in London. A man in a white shroud was seen jumping back and forth from rooftops to the street below.