When People are starving does it matter how food is produced? The essay is "for" any means of feeding despite how food is manufactured or produced.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
There's nothing more fundamental than food, and nowadays there seems to be even more variety to choose from, than anytime in history. But how many people know where the food that they eat was actually produced, by whom, and with what resources used and wasted and what additives added? How does the path from the modern farm to the kitchen affect people and the planet? People eat their daily bread without being conscious of the …

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…of the people or the lives of the fauna? The answer is pretty clear cut. The only challenge now is how to prevent such wasting of food and use it to feed the massive numbers of people who are starving. This is a matter that lies solely in the hands of the government and their policies. They could either recheck their budget plan or invest more time as well as money in the starving people.