What shattered the League of Nations the Most- manchuria or Ethiopia?

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
The Manchurian crisis happened between Japan and China. Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931,Japan were hit badly by depression and so claimed Chinese soldiers had sabotaged the South Manchurian railway, and so they overran Manchuria.The depression it hit Japan very badly due to the Wall street Crash,and it take the League of Nations to present the report for about 12 months.And the report state Japan was wrong, Manchurian should be given to Chinese.The …

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…the League was no longer trusted again. However, personally I think the Abyssinian Crisis hurt the League more. In the Manchuria Crisis, it's only between Japan and Manchuria, however in the Abyssinia, firstly the Treaty of Versailles was broken, secondly after Hitler invaded Rhineland, Hitler took over Austria, then Sudetenland, then Czechoslovakia, and then Poland, the only way to stop Hitler is to have a war, then after awhile, the World War II was started.