What is the Bering Land Bridge, how did it come about and why is it important to the peopling of the Americas?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > International
In my short essay I will be giving a brief description on what is the Bering Land Bridge, how did it come about and why is it important to the peopling of the Americas? The Bering Land Bridge or also known as Beringia was a piece of land that connected Alaska and Siberia during several times during the Pleistocene. The distance between Asia and North America is only about 85km. The land bridge became as …

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…about. The Bering Land Bridge still exists today, not as a land bridge but as a seaway. The importance of the bridge is that it provided a way for the people of the old world become explorers into the new world: A world that had a different temperature, landscape, a lot more and different variety of food etc. Until at some point while exploring they would have realised "we are the first to be here".