What is subculture?

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Essay Database > Entertainment
A subculture is a cultural subgroup. They are considered 'opposite from the mainstream culture because of their unique trends. Subcultures are judged by what they look like, what they wear, where they live, their ethnic background and religion. Subcultures have distinctive styles of dress, activity and music. They form when the main stream culture fails to meet the needs of a particular group of people. Let's take a look at a known subculture. A perfect …

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…well known as Punk. His songs focus on sex, drugs, pain, and most influentially rebelling against parents. Ultimately, Punks are universally different from the mainstream culture. Mainstream cultures wouldn't listen to Marilyn Manson, My Chemical Romance, Slayer, or Pantera. Instead, they'd listen to Hilary Duff, Britney Spears, Yellowcard, James Blunt, or David Gray. The entire lifestyle of punk is made into a culture of its own e.g. the people, fashion, and through the music.