What is cross-cultural communication about?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
The definition of culture is probably described in many words such as norms, traditions, belief, environment, value, and etc. depending on an individual or individuals in a certain group. Nevertheless, the word 'culture' tells us what the appropriate behavior in that society should and shouldn't. As human beings are likely to make friends with another person whom they are familiar with, so it's pretty hard to cluster the variation of people who have different background …

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…people in certain parts of the world are different in terms of the background, tradition, norm and so on, all of us potentially cross that divergence and cement friendship by effective communication. We shouldn't prejudice other persons before profoundly knowing them because stereotype typically is wrong. If people start to get to thoroughly understand differences of others, biases simply can be removed and then this will become the beginning of making best friendships than ever.