What is a labor union?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
To understand labor unions today, one has to understand the history behind them. During the early period of industrialization, misery existed among workers. Entire families labored in mines and factories. Organizations paid the barest subsistence wages, claiming that workers were lazy and would stop working if they were paid better. Workdays were long, often 14 hours or more, holidays were few and far between and working conditions were poor. The early days of unions were met …

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…But our governmental policies encourage the use of layoff if employers must reduce employment, therefore the main rule is that each individual has to bear the burden from the dismissal or layoff. <Tab/>Reference:<Tab/> Coleman, J. W. & Cressey, D. R. (1993). Social Problems (3rd ed) . New YorkN.Y.: Harper Collins. Invancevich, J. M. (2004). Human Resource Management (9th ed). New York, N.Y.: McGraw Hill/Irwin.