What is Abortion, and should is it Moral?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
The abortion conflict is one of the most argumentative and opinionated topics of the twenty-first century. There is much controversy over the fact of whether or not the mother has the right to terminate her pregnancy for therapeutic reasons, also whether the fetus is an actual baby, or just a cluster of cells. There are basically two sides to the argument, the ones that are for it, Pro Choice, and the ones that are against …

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…the immorallity of abortion has shone through. thoug there are may different reasons that a woman would want to abort her baby, the real opposition lies in therapeutic abortion. Is abortion murder, or just the right of the mother? That is one of the main questions in the whole abortion conflict. Another one being, is the fetus really a baby, or just a cluster of cells? That is the question that we must ask ourselves.