What hurt the League more, the Manchurian Crisis or Abyssinian Crisis?

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
The Wall Street Crisis occurred in New York in 1929 extremely depressed the state of the world. People lost their jobs and businesses went bankrupt. Many countries became selfish in order to recover their economies. The world was losing its order; fascism grew and a crisis ensued. The Manchurian crisis and Abyssinian crisis were the two of the most important crises happened during those ages, which consequently made the League of Nations to lose the power. …

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…country. But in my opinion the Abyssinian crisis was more important. The League betrayed Abyssinia by give it to Italy. This showed people that the League was after all self-centered, and didn't keep its promises. Thus, it made people unable to trust the League any more. In contrast, the Manchurian crisis made people belittle the League by comparing loss of trust and being belittled, I think the Abyssinian crisis hurt the League of Nations more.