What has principally interested you in your study of Journey's End so far?

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
Journey's end is a play written by R.C. Sherriff ten years after the end of World War One. R. C. Sherriff was born in 1896. In the outbreak of the First World War, he joined the army, and served as a captain in the East Surrey Regiment. He had an interest in amateur theatricals, which eventually led him to writing. His book Journey's End is about the futility of trench warfare in the First World …

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…someone else from another country. Whenever a tension pops up in a scene Osborne tries to change the subject and thus cooling the atmosphere. In conclusion, I have been interested in Journey's End so far. I like the way R.C. SHERRIFF implements his own life into his book to make other readers, feel and know what it's like living in the trenches and the build up to the actual war. By Waseem Shahid 10MB