What do you think makes Indian film Indian? Write an essay on the distinctive narrative traits in Indian cinema which distinguishes it from European or American films you have seen.

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In a nation that produces around 800 films a year Indian people see films a a very important part of their culture. For Indian people "cinema is integral to their lives; it is not a distant, two to three hour distraction, but an explicit life-style for them."(Jaya Ramanathan). The large screen provides an alternative, an escape from the realities of day-to-day life. The protagonists are totally identified with, the hero is applauded, the virtuous is …

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…in India. We need to learn to be willing to open our minds to new possibilities and new ideas. Once we are willing to think for ourselves occasionally, Hollywood can stand out as the film capitol it supposedly is While Indian cinema is unique to Indian culture and history, its energetic style, the emotional appeal of its themes, the glamorous lifestyles portrayed, the enduring melodies and lush settings, all contribute to its increasing popularity worldwide.