What do you think are the most important messages and themes in the novel 'Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry'

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
'Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry' by Mildred D. Taylor is a powerful novel about the Logan family and the problems and injustices that they have to face. The book is set in Mississippi in the 1930s. This is important because at the time, white people were very cruel and racist towards blacks, and sometimes they treated them as slaves. The novel revolves mainly around the black Logan family, and book is told from the …

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…when he got shot. However a person like T.J. who rejected and didn't care much about his family had no luck and got punished. <Tab/>Another minor message is ' Don't take your home for granted because there are people in this world who don't have one but would do anything to get one.' I think this because of the Logan family and their obsession with having the land.