What are the causes of rise of fundamestism? is it a revolt against modernity? or a result of it? the answers are here.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
The September 11 acts of terrorism brought out the dark face of fundamentalist terrorism whose sources and root causes must at some point be considered. The attacks on the twin towers where there used to be commercial and government offices, with commercial air planes in which there were many innocent people from different nationalities, cannot be forgiven and justified. Its committers and the leaders of them must certainly be found and punished. Can these attacks and …

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…When religion is politicized it can be used easily to guide people as the fundamentalists do to rise the fundamentalism again and people can easily be convinced even to go to death, like the live bombs of September 11. However, it will be a mistake if all the Muslims are held responsible for such terrorist attacks and see them as potential fundamentalists and fanatics. These fundamentalists and their financers are only a drop in the ocean.