What and where is the Ark of the Covenant?

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
The Ark of the Covenant is a container that was constructed by a man named Bezalel. It was created out of a form of wood that is interminable and covered with gold. Four gold rings were placed on the Ark, in which two rods of wood covered in gold were placed, to carry the item with. On the top of the Ark, there were two gold angels facing each other. It has been said that …

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…fiercely guarded an unknown religious relic inside. A monk known as the 'Keeper of the Ark' is the only person allowed to view the Ark and guards it until his death. He is never allowed to leave the property and when he dies another will be appointed, as has been done for centuries. The community says they received the Ark from King Solomon's son, Menelik, who brought it to them for safe keeping from Jerusalem.