What Makes You Better Than Me? (Essay on racism against blacks)

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
WHAT MAKES YOU BETTER THAN ME? Today, if you were to walk through the exciting, overpopulated streets of any city of the Eastern Coast, you would be invited in any arena of entertainment or establishment. People would not look at you twice because of the color of your skin. Today, the United States is considered the melting pot of the world; every race is mingling together as a whole. Don't be fooled by this vision …

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…the HUMAN RACE. Our nationality is nothing more than a label that is handed down through time. How would you feel if you were segregated and hated because of the color of your eyes, the straightness in your hair and last but not least the color of your skin? Can you tell me what is so different about these two people? All I see is two men whom had many dreams and wants in life.