What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
<Tab/>The media, according to Chomsky, is very oppressive. He proves this point many times by making references to George Orwell's Animal Farm, as well as comparing the manner in which the media operates to fascism. In addition to portraying the media as fascist, he implies that the media is completely intertwined with, depends on, and serves the purposes of giant corporations and the American government. Although some may see this …

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…trying to have us think a certain way. Ways that universities, corporations, and the government deem as appropriate. Those who show their displeasure about having to conform are slowly weeded out, from grade school and upwards. Radical thinkers never reach positions of immense power, and therefore cannot make an attempt to change the system. As Chomsky says, "We don't have the KGB on our neck, but the end result comes out pretty much the same."