Weed Control and Prevention.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
Introduction Weeds are everywhere these days. People want them done away with because they make a yard look bad. There are many ways this can be accomplished. One way would be to use store-bought herbicides, which can be harmful to people and pets, as well as many insects beneficial to a healthy lawn. Another alternative to weed control is hand-pulling them out, which can be backbreaking. Lastly, there's all natural weed killers that do not …

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…paper has mentioned many, many ways of killing and preventing weed growth. A reader of this paper should have learned a lot of things. They should have learned that store-bought brand weed killers, even though they work, in the long run lose to the natural weed killers, mainly because of the huge cost difference and how most natural herbicides are economically safe. So, in conclusion, weeds are no match for the powers of natural herbicides.