Ways Internet can improve a person's life.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
What do you think about a computer? You can image a machine that you can use to find information. Even if the information is not stored in that computer, you can still get that information by accessing the Internet. Today, the world seems to be smaller than before. People who live apart from their families don't feel that they are lonely, because they can keep in touch with all the people they know. The Internet …

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…the prices and make the right decision by searching in the Internet. For example, my friends who live in Thailand can buy books from American Bookstores, such as Borders Bookstores, Barne&Noble, and Bookstores through the internet. In conclusion, using the Internet have many advantaged in many fields, such as education, business, and communication .I couldn't imagine my life without the internet now. It gives much convenience that is what the person's life need.