Was Stresemann's death a tragedy for Germany or not?

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Essay Database > History > European History
In this essay I will involve whether or not Stresemann's death was a tragedy and my reasons for thinking this. It will include Stresemann's involvement with the government and his failiers and success's during the time he was known till his death. I will also include Stresemann during the difficult times between 1918 and 1929 when he died. Gustav Stresemann was born in 1878, he was the leader of the national liberal party before 1914. After the first world …

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…Stresemann was a lost to Germany because he helped after inflation, he signed many agreements to get Germany extra time to pay off their reparation bills, he also sign some contracts to stop Germany getting in wars with other countries. Gustav Stresemann lifted the German republic up and helped them get sorted. So I conclude that Stresemann's death was a tragedy for Germany because he helped them over the years and was a great politician.