Was Hitler alone the cause of world war two?- essay title summerised answer: only partly, due to other reasons such as the Treaty of Versailles, The Great Depression and more.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
While there is much debate in the historical community about the actual causes of World War II, about who was responsible, what might have prevented it, or what exactly went wrong, there is a strong desire to understand it. Could it be that only one person was the cause of such an enormous event? This essay will explain why it was not Hitler alone that caused the 2nd World War. One of the major causes …

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…Hitler, considered not only likely, but desirable, to achieve German racial domination. Germany wanted revenge. The outbreak of war in Europe in 1939 is still a controversial historical topic. Nazi Germany was clearly the major culprit in causing war. However, a combination of many events, such as the Great Depression and the Treaty of Versailles, greatly contributed to the German aggression and humiliation. This made the Nazi party grow, and by that contributed greatly to WWII.