War on Iraq

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
Winning a war with Iraq is not the problem. Getting rid of Saddam Hussein is not the problem either, we can probably achieve both missions, although the cost may be more that expected. The problem, is what happens after we have 'won?' To roll the credits back a notch, lets look at where we are in Afghanistan after 'winning.' The National Army we put in place dares not venture outside Kabul. Vice President …

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…holds, who continues to fund al Qaeda, who refuses to close down or even acknowledge al Qaeda bank accounts, is somehow our ally rather than our enemy in this furious concentration on Saddam Hussein. A further mystery that Pakistan, a refuge for al Qaeda as well as a nuclear power is our ally, while Iraq, where there is no (forthcoming) evidence of either has to be targeted without delay, without consensus and without an endgame.