War in Vietnam.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Author--qualifications and point of view: Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872-1970), was a British philosopher, a mathematician, and a Noble laureate, who influenced the course of 20th century philosophy. He was born in Trelleck, Wales, on May 18, 1972. He was educated at Trinity College and at University of Cambridge. After graduation in 1894, he was given a teaching post in the Cambridge. From an early age he developed a strong sense of social consciousness; at the same time …

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…is supposed to be free voice change the information around to make it useful to their own points and values which they support. The medias job is to keep people informed about the governments doing in other countries or in our own country. For others and I this book is asking us to keep on the look out for this kind of abuse of government power and our media and complain about what is wrong.