War in Iraq.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
The Associated Press has quoted 19-year-old Colin Zaremba, whose own name suggests immigrant origins, as saying, "I'm proud to be an American, and I hate Arabs and I always have." It seems like everyone is proud to be an American these days, however, like Zaremba, most people, especially America's adolescents, know nothing about being one. Being patriotic doesn't mean scurrying to your local Wal-Mart and buying the U.S. flag gear or harassing Arabs; it's …

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…their concerns. We need to change the opinions of our friends before we can change those of our enemies. While war appears to be the quick solution for the American people and the American government, but I think we're missing the long-term goal. Ultimately, a policy steeped in understanding the world's commonalities and not one based upon aggression and retaliation, will be a policy that allows as all to reap the benefits of world peace.