War In Iraq.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
There are a plethora of reasons that we may enter into a war with Iraq none of which include moral obligation, the war on terror, or national security. This so called ?war on terror? is nothing more than our governments? mostly George W. Bush?s own hypocritical attempt to force his ideals onto what should be considered sovereign states as well as some within our own government with McCarthy-like tactics. We attempt to reinforce this …

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…economy will have an immediate upswing, and presidential approval skyrockets. With a failing economy, and sagging presidential approval rating these reasons would be enough for any self respecting politician to go to war. Atop this sits George W. Bush?s wish to drill for oil in Alaska. When the United States goes to war and oil prices jump this will provide ample ground to pass a bill to allow drilling in the Alaskan wildlife preserve.