Volcanoes and People: There is another submitted essay that was posted by me that had not been correctly pasted. Here is the full essay. It discusses Volcanoes, the effect on people and vica verca.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Volcanoes and People When people think of volcanoes, visions of blazing eruptions spewing molten lava thousands of feet into the air, causing injury, death, and massive destruction, usually come to mind. What we don't usually think about is how people and volcanoes have been closely associated for thousands of years. People often settle and live near volcanoes because of the benefits that they offer, including rich soils for farming, useful minerals, and hot springs. In …

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…tungsten, silver, mercury, and gold. The society makes use of all these elements that volcanoes help to provide. Volcanoes are natural wonders that should be appreciated and studied. As a society we need to make the best use of the resources that volcanoes provide for us. There are many negative effects, but there are a few positive ones too. We also need to be careful to limit the hazards of volcanoes as much as possible.