Vincent Van Gogh.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Vincent Van Gogh - life, work & influences Introduction Post impressionism is the name applied to several styles of painting that arose in western Europe, especially France, in the 1880's and 1890's. Postimpressionism followed the art movement known as impressionism. Impressionist painters sought to capture a direct experience of the natural world. They rebelled against the idealized, carefully finished paintings of the prevailing academic style. Unlike the academic painters, the impressionists did not try to …

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…the hardest of men have their limits, Van Gogh eventually cracked but still created beautiful artworks through it all. His Influence on the art of the 20th Century is immesurable, he is now one of the most well known artists in the world. He identified with his subjects and uses Symbolism to evoke the same feelings in the viewer. He used colour, contour and line to explore "Physiognomy" (ones soul is revealed through one's features).