Vietnam airline

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
History Since reclaiming Gia Lam Airport from the French over 47 years ago, Vietnam's civil aviation industry has grown steadily into one of the country's most vibrant economic sectors, and the national carrier - Vietnam Airlines - is now poised to become a major regional airline. Vietnam Airlines' history dates back to 1956. Starting with a fleet of only five small aircraft, the first international route was to Beijing, followed by Vientiane in 1976 and Bangkok in 1978. In …

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…the new foreign passengers to Vietnam and their expected 3 to 4 million USD. These passengers would use many telecommunication services. In addition, US Airlines, booking offices, representative offices, and air service companies licensed to open business in Vietnam would use telecommunication services for their operations. The US-Vietnam Civil Aviation Agreement would thus indirectly benefit the telecommunication sector Vietnam airline will have more challenges: Have a lot of another competitor airline and need to improve about services.