Vietnam, The Tet Offensive.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Tet Offensive On January 31, 1968, the first day of the celebration of the lunar new year, Vietnam's most important holiday, the North launched a major offensive throughout South Vietnam. This was known as the Tet Offensive. It took weeks for U.S. and South Vietnamese troops to retake all of the captured cities, including the former capital of Hue. Although the offensive was not militarily successful for the Vietnamese Communists and did not meet its major …

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…the Tet Offensive was a defining battle in the war. Tet was responsible for a dramatic change in attitude towards the war from all of the nations. People were now seeing the war differently, and realizing that it was pointless and an unnecessary loss of life. Tet was one of the major events in the second indo-china war and a major turning point for the governments of North and South Vietnam and also the USA.