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Essay Database > Literature > English
Vietnam is the most controversial events to ever divide the US aside from the Civil War. Although throughout history the US is known to be very isolationalist, this time they took charge. As time passed and the threat of Communism spread to Vietnam, the US gradually became more and more involved between 1954 and 1975. In 1954, the US was in the process of shrugging off the Great Depression, WWII, and the Second Red Scare and suddenly another …

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…effects of the Vietnam war were great in South-East Asia, in the US the minds of the American people and the faith in their government had been destroyed. The country was badly scarred by the civil war movements at home, but the dividing lines that ripped apart society would be very evident and take many years to overcome. The US military was nearly destroyed with thousands dead and many more injured both physically and mentally.