Video Games

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Years ago people did not have any ways to exert pain on another person without injuring the other person. Then video games came out, so instead of throwing rocks at people causing much pain, you could hurl fireballs and bombs and just laugh because no one felt anything but the agony of defeat. Video games themselves have come along way in the past few years. From the years of Atari, with two bit graphics and …

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…is it? The aroma of hot chocolate fills the air as you settle down with a delicate oatmeal raisin cookie. Jack Frost covers the window and your sleepy eyes are glued to the television screen like paste on paper. A hot fire blazes in the corner as you think of the lives of your Nintendo heroes. Controller clicking, fingers moving, brain working, the pop as you exchange the different cartridges into the Nintendo, no school.