Venice's rising water problem

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
1.The tide rising over time 2.How people handled the problem they solved the problem(Barriers) Review of "Turning the Tide" by Joseph A Harriss from the Smithsonian In this article Joseph Harriss takes a trip to Venice and is sharing his thoughts about the city. He goes into detail how the city is known for its canals and waterways that past through Venice. He talks about how the canals and waterways are used for …

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…expression, etc. made people stay. If I was put in to a situation that I was living in Venice, and I was faced with the decision to move, I would choose not to. The reason why is because there is so much gilts and glamour about living in a city like that. Many people take vacation to go and visit Venice, well for me it would be like I'm on vacation everyday of my life.