Venice : City of Dreams this a descriptive essay about the city of Venice.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
Venice: City of Dreams The city of Venice is one of the most magical places on earth. The first step taken there is like walking into a different world, where time seems to stand still and greet you with a warm laugh. The overwhelming power of the city plays on its subjects curiosity and drives them to wander deep into its alluring streets. Built entirely upon water its streets are really wide canals that run …

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…the walls of Venice than in any text book or classroom. Learning the city is one of the best parts about it. Endless hours could be spent walking the streets, visiting with the locals, and exploring the buildings. Although no matter how long spent in this marvelous city, one will always leave wanting to know and see more of it, because no one ever wants to leave their dreams, especially when they dream of heaven.