Using the public transport. The environment is deteriorating with every passing day because of the smoke by thousands of cars.That is why we should use the public transport to protect the environment

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
Travelling by public transport is now very helpful and interesting. It is not only for the benefits of individuals but also for the benefits of the whole society. Travelling by public transport are very useful in saving money. You do not need to spend much money on purchasing your cars while transport charges are rather cheap. With the money you can do much more things interesting, for example buying new clothes, buying more books or …

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…than that of the twenty cars. Moreover, this also prevent traffic jam because the room a bus take is much less than twenty cars .we will not wait for more than one hour in line to get to office in the environment full of dust and smoke. In case of underground buses, using public transport is very helpful in dealing with traffic jam. That is terrible in an industrial society when time is very precious.