Using Cellular Phones While Driving: Advantages, Disadvantages and Concerns by Telecommunication Stakeholders

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Using Cellular Phones While Driving An issue that has been of some concern to the telecommunication industry in recent years is that of cellular phone use while operating a motor vehicle. This issue has been the subject of much debate among consumer, industry and government stakeholders. Most consumer stakeholders, such as the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, agree that cell phone use while driving is an unsafe and hazardous distraction, while others feel that …

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…a big talker. I don't like to ramble on the phone- it's unnecessary and it wastes minutes. I believe that moderate use of cell phones while driving is acceptable, but only for urgent calls and emergencies, but there is no way to regulate that. Before any laws are passed, I'm going to have to agree with CTIA's position on the issue. To first collect data on the issue, enforce existing laws and educate the public.