Uses of space in the 21st Century.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
Many people are unaware of just how much space exploration affects them everyday. When people plan their day, or holiday, and want to know whether it's going to be sunny or rainy, they check the weather forecast for that day. Thanks to weather satellites that take photos of Earth and send them back by radio, meteorologists can accurately predict the weather for up to 10 days. When those same people are at home watching their soaps, …

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…what there is out there, and what could still be out there which we haven't yet discovered, but if there are men and women that are willing to give up their lives for science, and scientists and astronomers that spend their whole lives exploring not only what is, but also what could be, we are going to find unbelievably remarkable things, exploring the endless world in which we are no more than a mere dot....