Unhumane procedure - Declawing Cats

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
Cats Come with Claws Declawing is the amputation of a cat's claws at the first joint. Compared to humans declawing is the amputation of each finger at the first knuckle. It is a painful surgery with many possible complications. Tendonectomy, an alternative procedure exists, but has deficiencies. Declawing is ten excruciatingly painful amputations with only one purpose, human convenience. To declaw a cat is inhumane. Cats are digitigrades; they walk on their toes. A cat's …

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…behavior explains the scratching behavior with the following statement: There are currently three possible birth control options. Few house pet issues are as controversial as declawing. The rate of problems from declawing surgery is higher than other elective surgeries. Unwanted behavioral changes frequently occur after surgery. Declawing is ten agonizingly painful amputations with only one purpose - human convenience. Declawing does nothing to improve the life of a cat. To declaw a cat is inhumane.