Underage Drinking

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Drinking Age Why has America had so many problems with underage drinking? I think that there is way too much underage drinking by young adults in America. On the other hand, I don't believe that it is their fault. I feel, that the lawmakers should lower the drinking age. The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1986 forces states to enforce the legal age of 21 years old or lose matching highway funds. Alcohol has been around …

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…they have a problem. I have a friend who has this problem and lowering the law would not effect how much he drinks. No matter what, he will get his alcohol every weekend. In conclusion, I hope what I have told you has persuaded you into believing that they should lower the drinking age. Although it seems farfetched, I think when you are in college you are responsible enough and can make a mature judgment.