UN--What is the role of the UN in world affairs and what is its future prospects?

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
The United Nations (UN) is an international organization of 191 countries, with the central role of promoting peace and security, development as well as human rights around the world. Unfortunately, the UN seems drifting towards irrelevance because millions have died in hundreds of conflicts around the world in more than 50 years since the UN's establishment, such as the conflicts in Somalia, Bosnia and Afghanistan. However, it is too early to judge if the UN has become …

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…that the UN is important as soon as the war is over. The USA, although seems powerful, cannot ignore other countries. It can never control everything, running the world on its own. The irrelevance of the UN this time cannot drive it to a failure. Instead, it helped to reveal how powerful the US is. We should thus keep good faith on the United Nations, believing that it will gain relevant authority in the future.