Two contrasting business - Tesco & Nike

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Outdoors
Tesco is one of the world's leading international retailers. Since the company first used the trading name of Tesco, in the mid 1920s, the group has expanded into different formats, different markets and different market sectors, whereas, Nike is an international brand almost known by every man, women and child in the world. Nike was founded a little later than Tesco in 1962 by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight. For this assignment I am required to …

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…kits, football boots etc were something that made you feel proud of to wear and made you give skills such as ones shown on TV, this made viewers, especially the younger audience wanting to buy Nike products as they thought it can give them skills and enhance their image as top stars were wearing the same products as well. (The advert is also available on Nikes website: