Treatments for OCD(obsessive compulsion dissorder).

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a neurological Anxiety Disorder that is caused by an imbalance of Serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which is a chemical that acts as a messenger to the brain between the Orbital Cortex (the front of the brain) and the Basal Ganglia (deeper folds of the brain). When the Serotonin levels are imbalanced, the messages that are received from one part of the brain to the other interfere, resulting in repetitive "…

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…something that can be done out of the office and worked on by the patient as often as they like or handle. So, in that sense, CBT can work faster and not have the side affects as drug therapy. CBT is now known to be a highly effective treatment option for many problems not just OCD. The most important thing in treating a person with OCD is the willingness in the patient to help themselves.