Tourette Syndrome: an overview

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Tourette Syndrome: an overviewNot many people have heard of Gilles Tourette's Syndrome (GTS). It is a complex and intriguing disorder that displays distinct physical characteristics and unusual mental behaviour. It was the French neurologist Gilles de la Tourette who, in 1885, was the first to conduct a systematic study of the motor and vocal tics which are a hallmark of the syndrome. Over a century later the diagnostic criteria for GTS are still being refined, but …

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…patients and first degree relatives. In Friedhoff A.J. & Chase, T.N. (eds) Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome, pp 335-340. Raven Press, New York. Shapiro, A.K., Shapiro,E.S., Bruun, R.D. & Sweet, T.R.D. (1978) Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Raven Press; New York. Wassman, E.R., Elderidge, R., Abuzzahab, F.S. & Nee, L. (1978) Gilles de la Tourette syndrome: Clinical and genetic studies in a midwestern city. Neurology 28, pp 304-307