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Essay Database > Science & Technology
TORNADOES Tornadoes happen just about everywhere on the Earth, the most frequent tornadoes are in England, where they are known as whirl-winds. They rarely do more damage than annoy, and are said to be the manufacturer of crop circles. Only on a few occasions over the years have they done little more damage than blow over a hay-stack or flatten a small crops. However, in the U.S. it is a different story, here they …

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…as 100 meters Water Spouts off the Bahamas Tornadoes can even occur at sea, these are called water spouts. They are min tornadoes that start over water and, are aptly called as they can be seen as rising columns of water from the sea. Many of these take place unaware to us but in populated areas such as Florida, Miami and the Bahamas they play havoc to pilots, normally when they hit land, they will dissipate.