Topic: Is Medea a tragic heroine? This paper examines in details the main character Medea and proves that she is not a tragic hero based on the facts.

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It is debatable whether Medea is or not a tragic heroine. It can be argued that Medea is a tragic heroine. However, Medea is not a tragic heroine. According to Aristotle's poetics, a tragic heroine or (protagonist) is someone who gains information previously unknown, leading to important insight. In lamer terms, a tragic protagonist made an error in judgment and didn't realize until it was too late. However, Medea is certainly not a tragic protagonist. …

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…of an action that is serious, complete of certain magnitude." In addition, according to Aristotle, the central character of tragedy must not be so virtuous that instead of feeling pity or fear at his or her downfall. Also, the character cannot be so evil that for the sake of justice we desire his or her misfortune. Instead, best is someone "who is neither outstanding in virtue and righteousness." Therefore, Medea is not a tragic heroine.