"Tobacco and Tolerance: Blowing smoke".

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
Not only labour made man differ from a monkey, but also care and attention to his fellow creatures. This is the main point of human relations and the basis of human being. Animals are first of all competitors with each other, and they do not have an instinct to help their neighbours and to think about their safety. The only exception is their own cubs. Similarly, as a father and mother take care of a …

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…virtues", and all people, particularly at an early age, previously pretending to each other, that smoking is a sort of pleasure and relaxation for them, start getting pleasure just from the fact they have got addicted years later. This stupidity came out of tobacco producing companies, which made a fetish of a considerable part of humanity from an old Indian ritual tradition. P.S. Five packets of cigarettes were smoked while writing this essay... J