To what extent were the years 1925 - 1929 a time of economic and political stability for the Weimar republic?

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Essay Database > History > European History
The period from 1925 - 1929 was seemingly a very stable time. However as we know the way things seem are not always the way things are. In 1923 Gustav Stresemann was briefly and relatively unsuccessfully appointed as chancellor of Germany, (lasting only 103 days). The failure of this was due to his actions in the latter part of the year, which led to him gaining enemies both from the opposing right and also from some other left wing …

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…it falls, and Stresemann was lucky enough to gain fame as the person who took Germany to this temporary stable position and to have left before it all went wrong. In conclusion I think that the period between 1925 and 1929 was overall both beneficial and detrimental to Germany especially with regaining its status with entry into the League of Nations, although the economic state was extremely problematic and caused severe problems in the coming 4 - 5 years.